Globtank tanks

We design, manufacture and assembly steel cylindrical tanks and silos as well as their rectangular counterparts with the possibility of assembly in almost any desired location (assembled and erected on site with the application of the special set of hydraulic jacks – no need for heavy equipment use like cranes) also including with the space of the cross-section of the existing columns. more
Stainless steel

The advanced methods of project design with the application of the technology of pre-fabricated elements, moreover in combination with adequate effectiveness in the process of their execution result in the proposed technology to be less expensive not considering any lowered quality but because of the quantity of consumed materials, the method of their application as well as adequate organisation of work processes. more

Enamelled/glazed, or glass fused to steel tanks are “premium” category product which is meant for the storage of all types of PH1-PH14 aggressive mediums (i.e. slurry, sewerage waste, acids, chemical industry products and agents, agricultural products, gasses, water)
Epoxy coated

Epoxy coated tanks are “premium” category products which is meant for the storage of all types of aggressive mediums within the scope of PH1 to PH14.